
Exercise 3

In this exercise we will write an awk program to split a fasta file into chunks.

This is useful to parallelise certain programs (eg Interproscan) that don’t behave well with lots of sequences or aren’t properly parallelised internally.

Change directory into the exercise_3 folder and then use ls to display the files present.

cd ~/bcc2020cle/exercise_3


Create a new blank script file called split.awk and save it in the exercise_3 directory.

Before we start working with this file it’s worth going over a few of the concepts of awk.

About awk and bioawk

The awk command processes text line by line. The awk programming language is used to specify actions to be performed on each line. The bioawk program extends the functionality of normal awk to deal with common bioinformatics data formats. This is very very useful in cases like fasta where a single record spans multiple lines. bioawk allows us to work on a record, by record basis rather than line by line as a normal awk program would.

For example the following bioawk command prints the name of each fasta record

cat H_mac_protein.fasta | bioawk -c fastx '{print $name}'

Note that I always start my awk commands using cat to send data via a pipe. This is handy because it puts the awk command at the end of the line so I can easily edit it.

The general usage of awk is

awk ‘program’ file

Where ‘program’ is a small program written in the awk language. In general awk programs are organised like this;

pattern { action }


Lets look closely at the action in the example above. The action is

print $name

Here the print command is used to print a specific field variable.


As it runs through its input awk will test each line against pattern. If the line matches the pattern then the action will be performed. For example we could modify our bioawk program to only show sequences where the name ends with .t2

cat H_mac_protein.fasta | bioawk -c fastx '$name~/.t2$/{print $name}'

As awk (or bioawk) processes each line it breaks it up into fields. By default it will look for whitespace characters (eg space, tab) and will split each line into fields using whitespace as a separator. In bioawk the record is parsed and divided up into name, seq, and comment

In addition to these data fields awk automatically populates several internal variables. The most important one for our purposes is NR which holds the current record number. This will be the key to allowing us to split the file into chunks of 1000 records at a time.

01 Split

Let’s start with a bioawk program that takes an action every 1000 records

cat H_mac_protein.fasta | bioawk -c fastx '(NR-1)%1000==0{print $name, NR}'

In this case the Pattern we have used is quite interesting. It is;


This uses the modulo operator % which gives the remainder of a division. In this case it gives the remainder after dividing (NR-1) by 1000. This will equal 0 when NR is 1, 1001, 2001 and so on.

Eventually we will build our awk program up quite a bit so let’s put it into a file instead of running it on one line. Create a file called split.awk and copy the following contents into it;

	print $name, NR

Now we can achieve the same result as before by referring to the awk program in our file

cat H_mac_protein.fasta | bioawk -c fastx -f split.awk

This isn’t what we want yet but it is a start.

Since we want separate files for each 1000 proteins we can use the action specifier to change a filename variable. Let’s start putting this into split.awk. Replace the contents of split.awk with this

	print file

And test it like this

cat H_mac_protein.fasta | bioawk -c fastx -f split.awk

The rest is relatively easy. We just print data to whatever the current file variable is. We can do this by adding another action to print the current fasta record. This time the pattern for the action is blank so it gets triggered for every record.

Change your awk program to

	print file

	printf(">%s\t%s\n%s\n",$name,$comment,$seq) >> file

Check that the correct number of entries is present in each file

grep -c '>' *.fa