
Exercise 2

In this exercise we will perform a very basic functional annotation on a small subset of proteins from a large database. The functional annotation is obtained by running a blast search against uniprot. We then take the information from blast and combine it back into the fasta header line for the corresponding proteins.

We will make use of the following tools; sed, xargs, samtools faidx, grep, blastp, join, bioawk, awk

Each of these tools (especially awk) are sufficiently complex to warrant an entire workshop dedicated to their use alone. We will cover a tiny subset of what they can do here but hopefully enough to encourage you to read further. Despite being very old the Grymoire is still a great resource for learning about these tools.

Change directory into the exercise_2 folder and then use ls to display the files present.

cd ~/bcc2020cle/exercise_2


01 Extract first 100

It would take quite a while to blast search all the proteins in H_mac_protein.fasta so we will focus on just the first 100.

To extract these we start by extracting the names of proteins in the file (note the use of head to avoid printing huge amounts of text to your screen). head simply shows the first 10 lines of output.

grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | head

We need to remove the > character from the start of these. This is easy to do with sed

grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | sed 's/>//' | head

We could easily modify the head command to print the first 100 (what we want) instead of just the first 10

grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | sed 's/>//' | head -n 100

Now the task is to extract the full sequence entries for each of these 100 named proteins. The tool samtools faidx can be used for this. As an example try extracting a single protein

samtools faidx H_mac_protein.fasta g1.t1

Now we have the components we need. We can obtain all 100 of the sequence IDs and we also have a method to extract them one at a time. One way to put this together (not the best way) would be to use a for loop like this

for id in $(grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | sed 's/>//' | head -n 100);do
	samtools faidx H_mac_protein.fasta $id

This works but it is slow. A much better way it so use the versatile xargs utility. This takes advantage of the fact that samtools faidx can grab more than one protein at a time but also avoids problems that arise when the list of proteins is very large.

grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | sed 's/>//' | head -n 100 | xargs samtools faidx H_mac_protein.fasta

Finally we need to redirect the output of this command to a file called first100.fasta

grep '>' H_mac_protein.fasta | sed 's/>//' | head -n 100 | xargs samtools faidx H_mac_protein.fasta > first100.fasta

Good practice would be to capture this final command into a numbered script file (eg 01_first100.sh)

02 blast

When working with genomic data from non-model organisms the majority of sequenced genes and their protein products do not have functional data. We can roughly infer gene function by homology to genes for which genuine functional information is available. The best available database of functionally annotated genes/proteins is Swissprot.

Try typing blastp -help to see a full detailed list of options to the blastp command. Among the huge numbers of options we will use the following;

Note that in a real application you shouldn’t use max_target_seqs 1 because it is not guaranteed to give the best match.

Create a new script file and call it 02_blast.sh. (Save it in exercise_2). Paste the following content into the file

blastp -db uniprot/swissprot \
	-query first100.fasta \
	-outfmt '6 std stitle' \
	-num_threads 6 \
	-evalue 0.00001 \
	-max_hsps 1 \
	-max_target_seqs 1 > first100.blastp

Run the script

bash 02_blast.sh

Inspect the first few lines of the blast results file

head first100.blastp

03 Join

This next step brings quite a few tools together. We will build the logic in stages.

Our final goal is to run the join command which has the form

join file1 file2

If file1 and file2 are tabular files the join command will combine the values in both files. A single row of output will be printed for every row in file1 and file2 where the values in the first column match.

For our purposes the two files we want to join are first100.fasta and first100.blastp. This is tricky because first100.fasta is not tabular. It is fasta. We can deal with that using bioawk as follows;

bioawk -c fastx 'OFS="\t"{print $name,$seq}' first100.fasta

Now for the blastp results file. It has lots of columns be we actually only want the first column, which matches the IDs in first100.fasta and the 13th column which has a description of blast match.

cat first100.blastp | awk -F '\t' 'OFS="\t"{print $1,$13}'

In both cases we used OFS="\t" to ensure that the output field separator is set to tabs. This is essential because the description field in the blastp result has many spaces (so we don’t want spaces as our delimiter).

Using the two commands above we can generate file1 and file2 as follows;

bioawk -c fastx 'OFS="\t"{print $name,$seq}' first100.fasta | sort > file1
cat first100.blastp | awk -F '\t' 'OFS="\t"{print $1,$13}' | sort > file2

Note that we also added a pipe to sort. This is because join only works on sorted inputs.

Now the join command

join -t $'\t' file1 file2

Note that the syntax -t $\'\t' tells join to use tab as the delimiter between columns

This is very close to what we want but not quite. Let’s count the number of rows in the output

join -t $'\t' file1 file2 | wc -l

Our original first100.fasta file has 100 proteins so we want 100 rows back (one for each). This is because join does an inner join by default. We would like to join in a way that prints a row for every item in file1 even if there is no match in file2. This is done as follows;

join -t $'\t' -a 1 file1 file2 

Finally we would like to transform the outputs from tabular back to fasta. This can be done with awk as follows;

join -t $'\t' -a 1 file1 file2 | awk -F '\t' '{printf(">%s\t%s\n%s\n",$1,$3,$2)}'

Here the -F option is provided to awk to use tab as the separator. Then we use a printf command to format outputs into fasta. The printf command has this general form


Since this is a tutorial about the features of bash it is also worth noting that we need not generate the intermediate files, file1, and file2 here. We can use a feature of bash called process substitution to directly pass the outputs of one command in as the inputs of another, as if they were contained in a file. Using this, our entire join command can be written in a single line as;

join -t $'\t' -a 1 \
	<(bioawk -c fastx 'OFS="\t"{print $name,$seq}' first100.fasta) \
	<(cat first100.blastp | awk -F '\t' 'OFS="\t"{print $1,$13}') | \
	awk -F '\t' '{printf(">%s\t%s\n%s\n",$1,$3,$2)}'